What is a Demonstration Speech?
A demonstration speech is made to teach and assist someone with step by step instructions for performing a particular task. These speeches are most often known as how-to guides over the internet.
Something that sets them apart from the other informative speeches, is that they can be based on subjective preferences instead of objective facts.
For instance, the guide to make a chocolate fudge cake could have different recipes and different instructions but the end product or end result most often is the same.

Why is Demonstration Important?
Demonstration speeches are important because they provide a way for people to learn about new things. Sometimes, it’s important for people to see how something is done, in order to understand the process and learn the skills necessary to do it themselves. That’s why our speech writing services experts are often reached by people to craft an effective demonstration speech for them, because its success lies in effectively communicating instructions.
These types of speeches can be used to teach people about anything from cooking a meal to assembling a piece of furniture. In addition, demonstration speeches can also be used to show people how to use a new product or service.
By seeing the product in action, people can understand how it works and decide if it is something they would like to use. Demonstrating something is very common and we often aren’t even aware of how it’s a part of our day to day life.
What Makes a Good Demonstration Speech?
Any speech that serves its purpose is good. An informational speech that enlightens people with new knowledge is effective and successful for it has served its purpose to impart knowledge. And a good persuasive speech is one that is successful in its purpose of persuading the audience.
Similarly, a good demonstration speech is one that can make a difficult procedure simple for the audience to grasp, remember, and then perform effectively according to the instructions.

How to Write a Demonstrative Speech Outline?
All informative speeches follow a basic outline structure that comprises an introduction, body paragraph and conclusion as per the rule of three in speech writing. Demonstrative speeches as a category of informational speeches follow the same pattern.
Explain why understanding the instructions would help listeners. This isn’t always necessary, for instance, when you’re demonstrating how to bake a lava cake to a class full of baking enthusiasts.
But, if you were to explain to zoo-goers about how to feed a bunch of seemingly harmless animals, it could be crucial to bring it to their attention that what they think of as obviously safe, could backfire if certain instructions are not followed.
In such a scenario explaining the importance of your demonstrative speech can help in ensuring that the listeners pay attention to the details and take the matter at hand seriously.
Before you begin demonstrating the steps, it’s important to overview them as simply as possible, letting the audience know how many steps there are so that they do not feel overwhelmed and know what to expect.
Here you must focus on making yourself clear about what each step is, and why you must pay close attention to each of them. Highlighting the most crucial steps could make the audience listen carefully and give utmost importance to the most crucial steps of the process.
You can also use an illustration, pi-charts, diagrams, or other similar resources to help the audience follow the steps because the use of visual aids enhances the chance of retaining more information.
Body Paragraphs – A Step by Step Guide:
Once you are done with the overview. Begin demonstrating each step at length. Explain why the particular step is necessary, and describe it in simple language before you begin demonstrating how to execute the step properly.
It’s important to remember that you should stick to the chronological order of your outline, else it would do nothing but confuse the audience. And if you must break the order to highlight a point in advance, let the audience know about it.
Moreover, try to be loud, and ensure that your voice is reaching clearly to everyone. Not speaking in a consistent volume and lowering your voice every now and then could cause someone to miss an important detail which can be frustrating.
Summarize the speech once again just to refresh everyone’s memory. Stressing on the important aspects of the speech.
Explain some of the other variations of the procedure, if any, and tell the audience why you preferred to choose the one you demonstrated. Finally, hold a Q&A session where you can answer any pertinent question regarding the topic at hand.

Choosing a Demonstrative Speech Topic:
Before you begin structuring your speech, it’s obviously a given that you’ll need to think of a topic. When choosing one, asking yourself a few questions can help you choose the best topic for your speech.
What is your target audience? Will your speech benefit them?
In choosing a topic for your demonstration speech it’s crucial to choose one according to your audience. There’s no point demonstrating something which is of no interest to your audience. Plus, it’s important to make sure that your demonstration speech provides value to the audience.
For instance, a demonstration speech on how to make an acrylic painting would be of interest to a group of painting enthusiasts, but to demonstrate that to a group of professional painters who are well-versed in different painting styles would be of no interest to them and would not provide any value.
Is the topic suitable for a demonstration speech?
Not all topics are suitable for a demonstration speech. Just because it sounds like a topic for demonstrative speech, doesn’t mean that it can be effectively delivered in a step by step sequence.
For instance, how to teach an elementary class would sound like it’s a good how-to topic for a demonstrative speech. But that’s not true, because teaching an elementary class is not something which can be divided into a step by step process.
So if a topic fails to convert into a step by step simplified sequence, think again which type of informational speech better suits its format.
Do you have expertise or adequate knowledge to make a demonstration speech on the topic?
To make a demonstrative speech, it’s important that a speaker has adequate knowledge regarding the subject matter. The more passionate you are about a topic, the better you are able to deliver a speech.
So if it’s up to you to choose a topic, it’s best to choose it according to your own interests, otherwise, it would not work as effectively if you demonstrate something from bookish instead of practical, first-hand knowledge.
What Resources would you need for the chosen topic?
When choosing a topic one must keep in mind the resources that they’ll need to effectively demonstrate the subject matter. Suppose you have to give a demonstrative speech on swimming, however there is no swimming pool nearby to demonstrate it practically.
What resources would you then need to ensure that you properly impart the knowledge about swimming? In such a scenario, you can make use of props or visual aids such as video clips, in which the speaker themselves can demonstrate the right way of swimming with all the knitty gritty of it.
By doing so the speaker will be able to use visual aids to more effectively demonstrate things which are not accessible for demonstration in a particular setting. Just be sure whether or not you are allowed to use projectors or other visual aids for demonstration.
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Ideas for Demonstration Speech Topics:
Demonstration speech topics can vary in their level of difficulty and varying interest among each age group. This is something that is true for all other kinds of speeches such as in the case of motivational or persuasive speech topics.
This is why we’ve made three different categories for students seeking suggestions for best topics for a demonstration speech.
Demonstration speech topics for middle school
Demonstration speeches could be really fun for middle school students. Children and early teens are more excited to engage in activities with an unmatchable zeal.
- How to solve a Rubix cube?
- How to make a metal detector?
- How to make an antenna booster?
- How to make a sundial?
- How to make an origami?
- How to make an ice cake?
- How to plant a seed?
- How to play piano/guitar?
- How to exercise your brain?
- How to give CPR?
Demonstration speech topics for High School
- How to curb technology addiction?
- How to develop a love for reading books?
- How to choose the right field for your education?
- How to pay your college fee?
- How to overcome your phobias?
- How to improve your writing?
- How to cast a vote in elections?
- How to learn new languages?
- How to secure your Pc data?
- How to effectively debate?
Demonstration speech topics for College Students
- How to ace an interview?
- How to succeed in your professional career
- How to make smart investments
- How to start a business?
- How to write a research paper?
- How to apply for an international scholarship?
- How to maintain a healthy work life balance?

Demonstrative Speech Tips:
There are some additional things that can be done to make your demonstrative speech more effective, engaging and memorable. Let us share with you some ideas that will definitely improve your speech.
Encourage Audience Participation:
Choose a suitable demonstration speech topic wherein the audience can join you in during the demonstration process. You can ask them to repeat a fun slogan or a catchy tagline with you while you demonstrate something.
Also, you can call someone from the crowd to assist you with something. Such as, to hold equipment or to help you demonstrate something. For example, if your demonstration speech is about how to counter bullying, you can ask someone from the audience to help you demonstrate it.
Once you have someone on stage, ask them to be mean with you. Then, you can demonstrate how such an encounter can be prevented from further escalation by being very sweet to them. This ought to make them feel embarrassed or hesitant to continue.
By demonstrating something in a practical manner, you can actually substantiate your authority to make that speech. Similarly, there are several other ways to make a boring demonstration fun by being creative.
Provide Resource Material:
Another method for ensuring that your demonstration speech becomes memorable is to create resource material for the audience, for instance, in the form of an infographic.
This way, the audience will have something concrete to take away with themselves as a souvenir or reminder of learning something they too were passionate about.
End with a Call-to-Action:
A great way to end your demonstrative speech is by inspiring your audience to take action. This could be done with a simple call to action, or you can challenge them to do something related to what they just learned.
For example, you could ask them to try out the new recipe that you just demonstrated or challenge them to use the new painting technique in their next art project.
Doing so will make your demonstration speech more impactful, as the very purpose of it is to help the audience learn to practically implement the given instructions in a particular task or activity.
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What is a good example of a demonstration speech? A good example of demonstration speech is to speak on topics that provide a unique proposition to the audience. It’s best to speak on “My recipe for baking chocolate chip cookies”, rather than “How you should bake a cookie”. That’s because there is no definitive way of baking a good chocolate chip cookie. |
What is demonstration in business communication? In business communication a demonstration is usually based on the promotion of a product or service. Marketers can demonstrate to the potential customers about why and how to use a product or service. |
What is demonstration learning? It is believed that when students are able to effectively demonstrate something that they have learnt, it suggests that they have successfully understood the subject matter. This is why schools and colleges hold class presentations, debates, and speeches to gauge whether or not they have achieved the expected level of proficiency. |
We hope these demonstrative speech ideas help you deliver an outstanding speech the next time you are called upon to do so. And, in case you want to learn more about different kinds of speeches, head over to our blog sections where you can find more content on how to write a speech in different styles and categories.

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