10 Resume Writing Tips to Stand Out from the Crowd

econtentsol Published: November 16, 2020 6 min read

10 Resume Writing Tips to Stand Out from the Crowd

Writing a resume that attracts attention of recruiters will increase your chances of earning the dream job you’ve yearned for since starting your professional career.
Your resume will highlight your skills, talent and qualifications to the employer. This is why you need to polish your resume so that it stands out from the crowd. So how do you write a compelling resume that lands you your dream job?
This blog will serve as a guide to create the perfect resume even if you don’t have any experience composing one.
The purpose of these tips is to help you create the perfect resume that highlights your skills and talent effectively.

1. Always Use a Professional Email Address

One of the first resume writing tips is that If you are using an email address from your school time that reflects an immature or a non-professional person then it is time you changed it.
Many people are found using email addresses since their teenage years which do not sound professional. A recruiter will simply mark you off if your email address is not professional.
So always use a professional email address like the ones provided by Outlook or Gmail.
Resume Writing Tips
Examples are: cchiwriter@gmail.com or gmsma@gmail.com

2. Stand Out with An Attractive Summary

A resume summary is what defines you and your skills. It speaks out what you’ve accomplished over the years and whether or not you deserve the job. Try composing a summary in the form of a short paragraph or use a few bullet points.

3. Use the Best Font Size and Type

Resumes with the right font size and type attract attention. Experts advise keeping the font size between 10 to 12 points. A font within these size ranges give your resume a professional look and makes it more readable. Do not make the mistake of forcing recruiters read smaller fonts as they may lose interest.
An important resume writing tip is selecting the appropriate font. Fonts mostly preferred by professionals are Verdana, Arial and Helvetica. No matter which font you use, just make sure they make your resume attractive and readable.

4. Maintain Consistency Throughout the Resume

Consistency is important as it helps increase readability of your resume and attracts attention. If you’re using a heading bold, make sure you keep all other headings bold too. The purpose of using caps, bold and italics is to highlight areas where you excel.

5. Use Numbers to Impress

The fact is that recruiters are looking at hundreds of resumes to select the perfect one. This means you lose your chance if you don’t stand out from the crowd. An easy way to make an impact is adding data and metrics to highlight the achievements you have made. This way your resume will be transformed from an amateur piece of paper to an amazing document that impresses.
Resume Writing Tips
Try using phrases to quantify your success such as new clients acquired, ensured cost reduction, successfully induced cost savings, increased sales revenue, led an increase in profits, and increased user engagement.

6. Resume Should Be Short and Relevant

The basic rule of writing a resume that wins jobs is to keep it short and relevant. Do not keep it longer than a page unless you can justify it like a prolonged career with some appreciable achievements.
Resume Writing Tips
Try targeting a specific job with your resume. This implies that forwarding the same resume for every job isn’t a good idea. Avoid opting for a generic resume that fits any job. Try highlighting your skills and qualifications in a different way for each job that matches your requirements. The key to success is keeping the resume short and focused.
Use words that imply a massive result in just one word to make your resume concise. Examples are phrases like increased, reduced, expanded, eliminated, added, minimized and grew.

7. Qualities and Strengths Mentioned in Resume Should Be Backed Up

Do not write each and every quality that you find suitable for the job. This is a terrible mistake that candidates make as many recruiters are experienced enough to understand and deduce that qualities are inflated. If you have any quality and strength, then try backing it with experience and what you have achieved in real life.
Resume Writing Tips

8. Targeting the Right Keywords

It is not humanly possible to scrutinize hundreds of resumes for one job post. Recruiters save time by utilizing digital databases. This means that the HR department will run search queries based on keywords that represent the job description they have advertised.
If your resume does not have these keywords, then you lose your chances of being noticed even before you’re heard. So make sure you add the keywords that are relevant to the job.

9. Make A Difference with Titles

Recruiters spend a short span on each resume. They make quick judgments and lose interest if they do not find what they are looking for in a few seconds. So the best way to make a difference within a short span of time is to use attractive titles. Titles, if written effectively have the potential to grab attention. So try highlighting your qualities and skills with attractive titles.
Resume Writing Tips
A few examples are listed below:

  • A marketing professional with extensive experience in the digital marketing industry.
  • A marketing specialist adept at running campaigns for the cosmetic industry.
  • A digital marketing professional specializing in data analysis, social media, and brand management.

10. Proofread Your Resume Again and Again

This needs to be emphasized as even a minor mistake in your resume can turn away the recruiter. Proofread your resume as many times as possible to make sure it has no errors. A resume with mistakes demonstrates a non-serious attitude that employers are quick to judge.

Here’s a hint …

Some advice that will serve your cause; follow up your application with an email or a call after you have sent your resume. This will not only help confirm whether the employers have received your resume but will also give you a chance to address any questions they may want to ask.
So always call or email after you have applied for the job. It will also indicate persistence and desire on your part to be a part of the company. In case you are invited for an interview then send a thank you letter to highlight your enthusiasm for the position.

Summing it up

These resume writing tips will help you write a top-notch and outstanding resume. A particular format of the resume is not being recommended since there are many different options to choose from. Just make sure you incorporate these resume writing tips in your resume.
If you’re someone who’s struggling to find an edge over other candidates, talk to us about your professional resume. We’ve got your back.