6 Tips to Become a Successful Freelance Email Copywriter

econtentsol Published: May 6, 2022 12 min read

Know How to Master Email Copywriting with These Easy Content Techniques

Email marketing is still considered a very important tool to promote any business. It provides plenty of opportunities to the marketers to grab potential customers, provided the content has been written perfectly in the emails. That is where the creativity and art of email copywriters come into play. They are responsible to create content that can instantly grab people’s attention no matter how hard the competition is. The demand of an email copywriter is therefore termed very high because it makes possible for the companies to extract potential customers from the internet.

Nowadays, email copywriting has become a specialized job. Companies regularly look for those writers that can help them to create catchy email content. The need of weekly and monthly newsletters has further increased the demand of talented email copywriters. It requires them to take services from those writers who are well versed in creating engaging sales content. That is certainly a specialized way of copywriting that requires unique conversational skills in the style of a writer.

If you also want to become an email copywriter who can write sales-oriented content for newsletters and other corporate level emails, read this article in detail. It will definitely prove to be a good read for you in terms of knowing the right concepts required for email as well as web copywriting.

Let’s first understand the importance of email marketing. This will let us know why emails require a strong write-up that can engage customers at the first glance. Here’s why many companies still consider emails an important part of their marketing tool.

Why Email Marketing Still Holds Valuable Importance?

Importance of email marketing

Many people think that email marketing is becoming obsolete day by day. They get this idea due to seeing multiple types of new strategies being used in the market. This includes social media, affiliate, paid marketing and more others. All of these are derivatives of the modern marketing strategies, allowing companies to target more customers with a great level of efficiency.

But, when it comes to low cost marketing, none of these can match the proficiency of email marketing. The reason is that email marketing is purely organic, requiring no budget or expense whatsoever. Furthermore, it allows you to target masses without physically reaching to them. All of this could be done by the power of a single click that allows you to target the right audience in the market.

Many startups and small businesses cannot afford expensive marketing campaigns at the start of their business journey. They rather prefer to use techniques like email marketing to target number of people in the market. It allows them to remain tension-free and relaxed during the whole campaign. This provides great results not only terms of sales, but also saving plenty of money in the process.

How to Become an Email Copywriter?

How to become an email copywriter

Looking at the increasing demand of copywriters in the market, many budding individuals are aspiring to start their careers in this field. They have smartly analyzed the level of potential in this market, as how it can help them to earn a good sum of money by working with multiple corporate clients.

The email copywriting job is one of the most demanded one in this field. Those writers who are well versed with copywriting skills, can easily take up this role to boost their careers. It allows them to get hired by startups as well as established businesses in the market.

If you are also looking to become an email copywriter, read these précised tips till the end. It will help you to know the traits that are necessary for email writing, as well as other types of sales copies.

Understand the Company Theme

The first thing you need to keep in mind while writing any type of sales copy is the understanding of the company theme. It allows you to know about several things that should be used in the write-up of a company email. This includes the usage of particular words, phrases, content tone and more others. These traits are termed very important for an email write-up, rightly due to their impact in the content.

Understanding the company theme not only gives you ease to write email content, but also other types of brand copies. It comes very handy in creating the content for web pages, brochures, business cards and more others. If you have understood the company theme properly, then you can take care any type of writing work as per the given demands.

Any email write-up without having a proper knowledge about the company will certainly look absurd to the readers. They will quickly get to know the void between the writer and his understanding about the company. This will promote a very bad image of the writer, forcing companies to not hire him for any future projects.

Pick the Right Style

Content style

Before starting to write an email, do remember to pick a style that can perfectly portray your brand image. A lot of writers commit mistakes in this part because they do not know the significance of picking the right style. As a result, all of their content looks dispersed having no connection with any part whatsoever.

The best way to avoid this is by picking a style that suits well with your brand theme. Again, the knowledge of theme becomes important here because it allows you to choose the right style. We all know that every company is different from others; hence, their email content can’t be written with the same tactics. Some of the websites will require a funky content, while some will need to be seriously sales-oriented.

The style of content will help to address this concern if a writer has got the right knowledge. He can portray a strong image of the company by using a solid corporate writing style. These tactics will also help in writing the web pages that also require a particular content style.

Web Copywriting

Captivate visitors and convert them into customers with compelling web copy!

Drive Conversions

Describe the Pain Point Quickly

In order to get the reader’s attention onto your newsletter, you need to first define his/her pain point in the first few lines of the content. This will work perfectly for your email, allowing it to get maximum a reading time right till the end. According to a survey, it has been noted that people only pay attention to those emails that are precisely crafted to address their concern. They get more attracted towards these types of emails, provided they are written with the right context.

By describing the main problem of the user in the first paragraph, you get more chances to grab their attention towards the overall content. They feel more curious to read the whole email in a quest to find the final answer. Using this strategy, you can sell your main product to them after smartly describing their pain point. It provides better chances of conversion, as well as more traffic diversion towards your website.

The usage of words and content tone matters the most in describing the pain point. Ideally, it should be emotional, so that people can get attracted towards the content. This could also change if your target audience likes to be addressed with a thrill, or any other sort of ecstatic style that can invoke their buying instincts. 

Pitch Your Product

product pitch

Once you have made a strong context in the first few lines, move towards the part of pitching your solution to the customers. In this part, you will be briefly defining your product and all the advantages associated with it. This should be done in a strong manner, so that people can pay attention towards your content at the first glance. It will encourage people to continue reading your email and hit the contact button upon the finding the right deal. 

According to top experts, this part should cover most of your email. That is because it helps the people to know about your offerings and products available in the stock. Some marketers also try to pitch their product right from the start, but that practice is still considered a bit risky. It can result in making people quickly bounce out from your pages if they’ll somehow become irritated with the straight away pitch.

It is therefore advised to smartly place your product pitch after describing the pain point. The ideal position to place it is in the middle of the content, as that provides more chances of conversion towards the products.

Smartly Place the CTA Button

Another important thing you need to keep in mind while writing an email is the proper placement of the CTA button. It holds a crucial value in taking the people to the sales page where they can easily buy their favorite products. If a CTA button is not written or placed smartly, all of your efforts behind a good content will go in to vain. It will not offer sales or conversion, no matter how creative your product pitch is in the newsletter.

The best position to place a CTA button is termed to be in the center of the newsletter. Some copywriters also place two CTAs within their content. This actually depends on the length and type of their content. In some cases, writers are specifically advised to add two or three CTAs targeting to multiple products. This encourages readers to show interest in multiple prospects, provided they are good in quality.

Make the Summary Impactful

After writing the whole email, it’s now time to conclude it in an impactful manner. A lot of times, writers remain confused how to write the ending paragraphs in the email. Well, it is not that difficult if you have the knowledge about the art of concluding a sales copy. It requires to use those words that can offer a solid impact in the minds of the customers. This will make them remember about the email, as well as the products or deals offer in it.

If you are still struggling to write a perfect concluding paragraph, try to look at the email copywriting examples of different known companies in the market. This will give you plenty of ideas related to the email summary, allowing you to write a better one for yourself.

Final Words

That takes us to the end of this blog in which we have discussed useful tips needed to become a successful email copywriter. These tips will help you to know what does a copywriter really do and the basics of email copywriting, no matter which category it belongs to. Whether you are writing an email for a fashion company or an online retail store, these techniques will always come handy to write engaging copies for all types of businesses.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for an agency that can help you to write creative emails for weekly/monthly business promotions, contact us today. Our writers are quite experienced in crafting sales-oriented emails, rightly as per the brand requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why email marketing is important for businesses?
Email marketing allows businesses to smartly promote their products in the market. It helps them to reach masses, and engage them directly towards the major company offerings.
Why email marketing is termed affordable or startups?
Many companies especially startups rely on a low-budget marketing tactics. With the help of weekly and monthly emails campaigns, they get this marketing job done without spending much of their budget.
Why email copywriters always stay in demand?
The demand of email copywriters always stays high in the market. These professionals have got the skills to elevate any company’s email campaigns. That is what makes them high in demand, especially the ones with more market experience.
How to become an email copywriter?
To become an email copywriter, you have to pay attention to the basics of sales and web copywriting. This will help you to understand the tone and conversational style required for writing corporate emails.
What are the skills needed to become a good email copywriter?
To become a good email copywriter, you need to have some particular set of writing skills. This includes traits like conversational style, sales-oriented tone, creative product pitching and more others.
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