30+ Best Skills to Put on Resume & Optimize Your Profile in 2023

econtentsol Published: February 3, 2023 10 min read

Know About the Best Skills That Can Make Your Resume Engaging

All of us want to excel in our careers by working with the top companies. It is something that is aspired by everyone no matter how small or big the challenges are. To achieve it, a person must need to demonstrate his capabilities to the employer. He needs to know what skills to put on a resume to impress the employers.

This particular question is asked by many people around the world. From beginners to intermediate professionals, everyone wants to know the specific skills to put on resume. These capabilities help them to get jobs and move forward positively in their careers.

Fresh grads particularly look confused when asked about this question. That is why they take help from different resume writing services to simplify the CV building job.

Most of them simply do not know about the specialized skills to put on resume. That is where this blog will come handy for them. It will define the core skills that can make their profile better. These skills will increase their chances of hiring and getting noticed by the employers.

Let’s first understand the two types of skills you need to mention separately in the resume. 

Types of Skills to Put on Resume

It is important to know how to write a resume for a job adding different types of skills. These are the capabilities that can differentiate your profile. They can also help you to get an edge over others and build a strong impression among the employers.

These skills are generally classified into types i.e. hard and soft skills. There is a very minor difference between them. But, this difference matters a lot while mentioning them in a resume.

Soft Skills for Resume

Soft skills can be understood as a list of general skills related to your profile. It lets the employer know about your working nature and general traits. Many times, people do not pay attention to this skill. But as an employer, it does carry a huge importance.

If you are a fresh grad, these soft skills will boost your profile despite having no experience in the field. It will let the recruiter know that you have the ability to learn and succeed in the professional world. Thus, it is important to list them appropriately in the resume and get more attention from the recruiters. 

Technical Skills to Put on Resume

Hard skills can be classified as your industry-related skills. They simply tell the employers whether you are capable of the position or not. It is therefore always advised to list them carefully by looking at the trend or requirements of the job.

All the particular skills that you have learned in certifications, training materials etc. can be classified as hard skills. They are quite necessary in terms of defining your profile to the potential employers. As a professional, it is always recommended to improve your hard skills regularly. It is something that requires continuous learning to stay competitive and relevant in the field. 

How to List Your Skills on Resume?

If you are writing a resume, you must need to know how to list skills in it. Many people do not pay attention to the standard format of listing skills. As a result, they build an improper CV that just looks useless for everyone.

Here are some of the important points you need to consider while listing skills on your resume. 

Research and List Skills According to the Job

It is very important to list skills according to the job requirements. The primary purpose to list skills is to grab the attention of employers. This could be only done when you will mention the specific traits required by the employers.

Mentioning the required skills precisely increases your chances of hiring. It simplifies the job of recruiters and makes it easy for them to find their required candidates. 

Add Core Skills in Separate Section

It is advised to list your core skills in a separate section. This will include the specific skills that you have mastered recently or during your graduation. It will help the employers to know about the special traits you have garnered in your profile. 

You can add this section anywhere in the resume. However, try to mention it below your education section. This will best describe your background and capabilities to the employers.

List Work Related Skills in the Professional Experience Section 

It is also a good idea to list your skills right beside the professional experience section. This will enhance your credibility and will offer a stronger view of your profile. Basically, this will let the employer know that your relevant skills relate directly with your work experience.

It will increase your chances of getting shortlisted, as recruiters are more interested in knowing about the skills derived from the work history. 

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Important Skills Examples for Students

If you are a fresh grad or currently studying in a college, you must need to know about specific skills examples. As it’s really important to gain these skills to put on resume. This will allow you to understand better what to write in that section according to your profession. Let’s take a look at them below. 

Computer Skills

Computer proficiency is one of the most demanded skills in the market. Nowadays, every company demands the computer skills due to the increasing amount of work in it. That is the core reason why every kid needs to build his/her capabilities on it right from the beginning.

Today, there are a lot of skills associated with IT technology. It would be simply impossible to acquire them all. But as a professional, you need to master some of its basics. Here are the most recommended and popular computer skills you can learn today.

  • System Administration
  • Spreadsheet Management
  • Basic Web Development
  • Cloud Management
  • Agile Management
  • Database Development
  • Security Tools
  • Software Troubleshooting
  • Graphic Designing
  • Email Management 

Customer Services Skills

Customer service is one of the hottest jobs in the world. Many companies regularly hire for CSR positions to support their customer queries. If you are also looking to make your career in it, you must need to know about some specific skills for the job.

These skills will give you profile an edge over others. It will enable the employer to take interest in your CV, provided you have prepared it perfectly. Here are some of the basic CSR skills you need to mention in your resume.

  • Lead Prospecting
  • Product Knowledge
  • Customer Analysis
  • Strong Communication Skills
  • Lead Qualification
  • Negotiation and Bargaining
  • POS Skills   

Advertising/Marketing Skills 

Many individuals want to make their career in the marketing sector. It is quite a lucrative field and offers a good salary package. But to make a solid profile in marketing, you need to mention specific skills required by the employers.

These skills will let the recruiter know that you have got the right attitude and profile for the job. Adding them to your resume will boost your chances of hiring, no matter how young or less experienced you are. Here are some of the important marketing skills you need to know about.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Sales Management
  • Email Marketing
  • CPC
  • Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Data Compiling and Visualization

Interpersonal Skills 

Interpersonal skills are also very important in terms of giving your profile a great value. These skills let the employer know that you are good in communication and can handle any task with precision. It can be counted in the category of general skills, but it is very important for all types of jobs. 

Here are some of the basic interpersonal skills you can mention in your resume. 

  • Leadership Qualities
  • Strong Communication
  • Positive Attitude
  • Friendliness
  • Deadline Focused
  • Flexibility
  • Organization Skills

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Final Words

That takes us to the end of this blog in which we have defined the best skills to put on resume. These are very important capabilities as it helps you to take jobs in the market. All the employers do look for a specific set of skills such as communication, leadership qualities and more others.

If you will define them accurately in the resume, you will definitely get the attention of the employers. This blog has listed down some of the specific skills according to the industry and profession. It will give you a great view to know what skills to mention depending upon your background and education. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to put skills on resume?
You can mention the skills on resume based on your background. These skills can be listed under your education or in the professional experience section as well.
2. What skills to put on resume for software engineer?
Being a software engineer, you can mention the latest technologies as your skills in the resume. This could include language like Python, C#, PHP, Swift and more others.
3. Why do I need to define a separate section for skills in the resume?
You need to define a specific section to let the employer know about your unique skills. This is necessary because an employer always looks for such skills before the hiring process. Adding them in a separate section will make them bold and strong. 
4. What are hard skills?
Hard skills are defined as your profession-specific skills. These skills define your capabilities for a particular position. Your skills acquired from certification, graduation, short courses and others can be termed as hard skills.
5. What are soft skills?
Soft skills can be defined as your character’s general skills. These capabilities are essential for your profile as it lets the employer know about your natural traits. Some of the important soft skills include leadership, strong communication, positive attitude and more others.
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