Discover the Joy and Thought Process Behind a Well-Written Maid of Honor Speech
A maid of honor is a person who is there to be the driving force as well as a solid wall of support for the bride. And now that you have been named the maid of honor for your loved one’s wedding, you are the one who has juggle the responsibilities and duties that come with it. Which includes giving a great maid of honor speech.
For the most part, a person who names you their maid of honor is showing that they trust you to help them ensure a smooth wedding. And while it can be a little tough and tiring at times, at the end of the day, it will be the good memories that everyone will be left with, memories that you helped create.
That is often why people stressed about creating a good maid of honor speech tend to hire professional speech writing services. But knowing how to write one yourself isn’t a bad idea either. So, without further ado, let’s begin to understand what goes into writing a good maid of honor speech, and help you get it out of the way without the last minute stress.
What is a Maid of Honor Speech?
A maid of honor speech is a short, sweet statement presented by the maid of honor to honor the union of two souls. Essentially, as the bride’s “second-in-command” at the wedding party, it is your job to thank the organizers, guests, and others who helped make the event a success.
Now, it is not a long, drawn out speech. Generally, these speeches start out by introducing the speaker and their relationship with the bride and the couple. Then, you thank the guests, as well as a special shout out to a parent or parents in case they helped pay for the event. Next, you talk about a personal story or great qualities of the bride, the groom, or of them as a couple.
This is where you can set the tone of the speech by some good demonstration speech ideas. Here’s where you can make it funny or emotional, based on what you feel would be more true to the relationship you have with the bride and groom. And finally, you end the speech with a toast to the new couple, and wish them well in their new lives.
When is the Maid of Honor Speech Given?
The speeches given by the maid of honor or a best man are usually presented at the wedding dinner or party. That is the time that the couple are together with their family and loved ones, basking in the newfound excitement of being a newly married couple, making it perfect for such an address.
However, depending on the wedding plans, or the style of the wedding ceremony, the time of the maid of honor speech can be changed accordingly.
Does a Maid of Honor Give Speech at the Rehearsal Dinner?
Yes. A maid of honor speech can be given at a rehearsal dinner instead of the after party. As we mentioned earlier, sometimes the arrangement of the wedding festivities may make it impossible for a best man speech or a maid of honor address to be given at the wedding dinner or party.
Moreover, it could also be that the couple prefers that the speech is given in a closed, personal setting such as the rehearsal dinner, rather than the after party, due to the emotions or sentiments behind it. Therefore, you may have to tweak your address to compensate for it in case you are asked to deliver a rehearsal dinner speech instead of after the ceremony.
How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech?

Now that you have been chosen as the maid of honor, one of your most important duties (besides the bachelorette party *wink* *wink*), is writing a great speech that honors the new couple and their wedding festivities.
The steps and tips below will help you draft a powerful speech that will leave the people in the audience, especially the bride and groom, with a memory they’ll cherish for a long time.
When Should You Start Writing Your Maid of Honor Speech?
The maid of honor speech, albeit a short one, needs some thought put into it to have the right impact. It should be short, effective, and should veer well away from any sensitive topic. As a maid of honor, you are there to represent the bride’s wedding party, and you need to ensure that your words are careful as to not sour the event.
As for the length, the ideal wedding speech should be no longer than five minutes. Often, there are others besides the best man and the maid of honor who would want to say a few words, such as the groom’s favorite uncle, or the father of the bride.
That is why, make it short, sweet, and keep the momentum going.
How Long is a Maid of Honor Speech?
As we discussed earlier, a wedding speech should take no longer than five minutes to speak. However, the ideal length for a maid of honor or best man speech, and the length that you should shoot for, is between two to three minutes.
Often, there will be other speakers waiting their turn to say a few words in honor of the new couple, and you need to be considerate of that by taking up no more time than absolutely necessary.
How to Start a Maid of Honor Speech?
The start of your maid of honor speech is quite simple. Typically, it is the ice breaker, and helps you get in the flow to give the rest of the speech in a calm manner. First, you start out by introducing yourself. Then, you explain how you know the bride and/or the groom.
Finally, you congratulate the new couple on their nuptials, and thank everyone who helped make the day special. And with your speech’s intro done, you can move on to the next part of the speech, I-e the main event.
What Should a Maid of Honor Speech Include?
For a best man or a maid of honor, it’s your relationship with the bride or groom that the audience will be interested in listening. Therefore, personal stories that show what the bride is like as a person, would go over very well.
Moreover, if you know the groom personally, or have been friends with the couple since the early days, you can even talk about how that relationship progressed over the years. That is a great way to give your maid of honor speech some heartfelt sentimentality.
How to End a Maid of Honor Speech?
No matter if your maid of honor speech was emotional or funny, the ending is always one that portrays a sense of happiness in that day, and a hope for the days to come. You can end the address by congratulating the couple on tying the knot, and toasting towards a bright and happy future for them.
Or, if you are someone who is older than the couple, or have been married for sometimes, you might end the speech with some pieces of wisdom to make married life easier on them. Age-old adages like “Never go to bed angry” are some of the most common pearls of wisdom people prefer dropping here.
Maid of Honor Speech Do’s and Don’ts

Now that you know how to write a speech, there are a few things you need to watch out for before you start writing your own. For such a short speech, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered in order to ensure that your speech is a positive highlight in the memories of everyone in the wedding party.
Some of the most important things to watch out for include:
- Be sure to introduce yourself, even if you think everyone present knows who you are.
- Practice your speech before the day of the wedding, to ensure that it sounds as well as it reads.
- Make sure that you are sober to give your speech, for better control over your faculties.
- Try to show genuine emotions with your words, showing that you cherish the couple.
- Celebrate the bride and groom separately, as well as a couple.
- Avoid talking about any exes, or other unsavory topics.
- Ensure that your speech is to-the-point, and doesn’t meander or ramble aimlessly.
- Make sure that the focus of your speech is on the couple, not you.
- Make sure that the anecdotes and stories are genuine, showcasing the true depth of your relationship with the bride and the couple.
- And MOST IMPORTANTLY, try to relax.
Maid of Honor Speech Examples
Let’s take a look at some examples of maid of honor speeches that can help inspire your own speech.
Maid of Honor Speech for Your Sister
“Hello everyone. First I would like to thank everyone on behalf of my family, that you gathered here today to celebrate the union of this great couple. I’m (your name), and I’m (bride’s) older/baby sister.”
Discuss Your Bond with Your Sister:
“I feel privileged to have spent a large portion of my life with (bride) as my partner in crime. To me, she is more than a sibling, she is my best friend too. I remember, when we were (add personal story from childhood). Its moments like these that I am going to miss, now that you’re married and have someone new to play with.”
Compliment Your Sister’s Partner:
“Speaking of, when I first met (groom), I knew that they were the perfect foil to my sister. And in the years since, that instinct has proven itself to be true. When they are together, there’s a happiness, a sense of understanding and unspoken connection that is really hard to find in this world today. And I’m proud that these two have found it.”
Wrap it Up:
“I hope that the love and commitment you have for each only grow stronger in the years to come. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness, joy, and comfort. Here’s to (bride) and (groom).” *raises glass*
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Maid of Honor Speech for Your Best Friend
Introduce Yourself:
“Hi, good evening/afternoon. First of all, for the ones who I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting so far, I’m (your name), and (bride) and I have been friends since (add start of friendship detail). I first met (bride) when we (add meeting story), and today, I’m couldn’t be more proud to call her my best friend.”
Talk About Why You Love the Bride:
“If you were to ask me why I love (bride), I would answer with ‘How much time you got?’ She’s kind, smart, very intuitive *wink*wink*. But most importantly, it’s the sense of joy, love, and comfort that surrounds her like an aura that makes her one of my most favorite people to be with. (bride) is someone who can light up the darkest of rooms, and you look so stunning today darling.”
Give the Spouse-to-be a Compliment:
“Speaking of (bride), let’s talk about (spouse). When I first met them, I discovered that they were the only one who could not only keep up with (bride), but could help her shine even brighter. One of the kindest souls at heart, they are the perfect match for her, and I am happy to see that (bride) has found her true soul mate.”
Congratulate and Wish Them Well:
“It is easy to see that the two of you are crazy about each other. And I wish you both the best in your future as a married couple. I hope you live a life of happiness and joy, and that you get to grow old together the way you both desire. Here’s to the (bride) and (groom)!”
Maid of Honor Speech for Your Mom
Introduce Yourself:
“Hi everyone. For those of you who do not know who I am, let me introduce myself. I’m (name), the maid of honor, and someone who is proud to call (bride) my mom.
Talk About Your Mother as a Person:
“My mom and I have been very close since I was quite young. No matter how tired she was after a long, hard day, she always made time to help me with my homework, and listen to me jabber away over dinner. And every time I needed her, whether as a friend or for a shoulder to cry on, I’ve found her ready, willing, and determined to help me. Mom, I remember when (insert heartwarming story).”
Welcome Her Spouse into the Family:
“Mom, you’ve been the source of my happiness for as long as I remember. And today I am happy that you’ve found someone who is willing to work as hard to make you happy too. Dear (spouse), welcome to our family. We might be a little silly, a little kooky, but at the end of the day, if you keep mom happy, I swear that you’ll find us standing with you through thick or thin. I remember the day I first met you quite vividly. The conversation we had while mom was getting ready for your date was quite illuminating. And I knew then, as I know now, that you will move mountains to make her happy. And for that, I cannot thank you enough.”
Wrap it Up with a Toast:
“It’s apparent that the love these two have for each other is something rare. And on that note, I wish the best to my mom and (spouse) as they embark on their new life, together as a couple. Here’s to you your happiness. Salud!”
Tips for Great Maid of Honor Speeches

Besides the factors that you need to take care of when giving a maid of honor speech, there are a few ways you can give your speech a unique, more personalized twist. Let’s take a look at how you can do that.
Add Personal Anecdotes and Stories for Unique Maid of Honor Speeches
As a maid of honor, chances are that you are one of the people who are closest to the bride, and have known her for a long time. in that time, there might be some personal stories about the times when it was just you and the bride together, and you saw something in her that surprised you, inspired you, or made you love them even more as a person.
Such anecdotes in your maid of honor speech can help others at the wedding understand the depth of your relationship with the bride, and gives you an outlet to portray the true emotions on that day of happiness and joy.
Writing Emotional Maid of Honor Speeches
Similarly, if you prefer a more sentimental touch, you can add a story about a time when the bride came through for you in a time of crisis, or talk about a time that showed a sentimental, soft-hearted and caring side to the bride.
This is one of the more popular options if the bride is a sibling, such as an older sister who helped take care of you when you were growing up. Moreover, it could also be for a baby sister, and the pride and happiness at seeing them grow up successful and getting married to someone they love.
All in all, this is one style of maid of honor speech that will always leave a lasting memory, and one to cherish.
Making Your Maid of Honor Speech Funny with Lighthearted Stories and Quips
Some people prefer not to make their speech too personal or sentimental. For them, adding some light hearted quips and banter into your speech can help you uplift the mood of the party, and can be especially helpful after an emotional address by a loved one.
All in all, the choice of style depends on the tone of speech that you prefer, or are comfortable with in your maid of honor speech. Whatever style of speech you choose, make sure that it comes from the heart, is genuine, and honors the newly married couple.
Discover Top Speech Related Ideas:
- Step By Step Speech Writing Guide
- Unique Demonstration Speech Topics
- Best Informative Speech Topic Ideas
Now that you know what makes a great maid of honor speech, you are ready to hunker down and get started on your own. Once you are done writing it, make sure that you practice delivering that speech well before the day of the wedding, and try to relax.
Many people are searching for a powerful maid of honor speech that will leave a lasting positive impact on the listeners. Speech writers are well versed in creating many different styles of MOH speeches, from sentimental to lighthearted and fun speeches.
1- Can you read your maid of honor speech? A maid of honor speech works better when it flows naturally, as a natural conversation. Moreover, it is supposed to come from the heart. Therefore, while you can use cue cards for hints, you should not read out your entire speech. |
2- What is a maid of honor speech supposed to say? A maid of honor speech is supposed to the bride and her relationship with you, their spouse, and how you think their union is something truly special. However, remember, it is their day, so do not make it all about you. |
3- How to write a maid of honor speech when you do not know the groom? In case you do not know the groom well, you can say something like “I look forward to getting to know the person that makes (bride) so happy.” Essentially, you could say something that is fairly complementary, without making up a fake personal connection. |
4- When do you need to start writing your maid of honor speech? While it may be possible for some people to write a good maid of honor speech a week before the wedding, it is not advisable to leave it this late. Preferably, it is better to start writing your speech a month before the event, so that you can tweak it and practice a strong delivery. |

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